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Miss Morgan Mc Kenzie joins The Raid Agency

Motivation and employee participation are important pillars of our human resources strategy.  We promote high levels of team spirit and expertise. Therefore The Raid Agency invests in its people.

Morgan Mc Kenzie is a young international journalist. She perfectly speaks English, French and Dutch. She will be responsible for leading and coaching a team of salespeople.

We are very happy to welcome her to the sales team and the management. She is joining us at an exciting time of year, as we are moving into our busiest season.

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Fondation Prince Laurent

The Raid Agency soutient aussi la campagne “Un Abri pour tous” qui aide les sans abris et leurs compagnons à quatre pattes durant les longs mois d’hiver. En ces temps difficiles, solidarité, aide et compassion devraient faire partie du vocabulaire de tous.
Photo prise par Morgan Mc Kenzie

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Collaboration with Mercedes-Benz

Because we have a long-term client relationship with Mercedes-Benz doesn’t mean we don’t try to be better every time. Thank you for being there.

The key to success is building relationships that go beyond one-shot actions and provide value to these clients on a consistent, ongoing basis.

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Skoda hires our hostesses

The Raid Agency’s elegant and classy hostesses are the best brand ambassadors of Skoda. With a smile, our beauties represent so perfectly this glamorous car during the car show.

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Opel chooses our company

Opel trusted The Raid Agency for the third time. More than 65 boys and girls represented our client during the biggest car show in Belgium.

We care deeply about the issues of our clients and will rapidly find a solution to their field problems.

Wanna joins us ? info@theraidagency.be

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Be green, be smart

The cars we drive say a lot about us. Being smart is also being fun and beautiful. Thank you for trusting us for so long. We really appreciate being a privileged provider.

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